Building Salad

Recipe Post

Okay, so I feel kind of weird calling Building Salad a recipe post but that’s the closest category I could think of. I often share photos of my salad bowls on my Instagram account, and have been asked a few times, what is in them, so I decided to show you how I build my salads.

Building salad

Building Salad

The first thing to remember with salad is that to make sure you are getting all your nutrients you need to make a rainbow on your plate. No, I don’t mean literally, I just mean you need to include a good variety of coloured vegetables. I like to chop them all in different ways to help give the salad some extra texture.

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Anna-Loka Cardiff

Restaurant Review

I love travelling, even just in the UK, and one of the things I love most is finding new places (like Anna-Loka) to eat out. My main requirement tends to be somewhere that has reasonable prices, it also helps if it is something I couldn’t make at home.


anna-loka anna-loka

Recently I visited a friend in Cardiff, they’re an omnivore but knowing I am vegan, they were desperate to take me to Anna-Loka. They wanted to order takeaway when I arrived but it turned out we were too late, and it had closed. We ended up going for lunch the next day…..and I’m not sorry.

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Veganuary 2018

Vegan Life

You may or may not be aware of Veganuary 2018 but I want to take some time today to talk about it. At the beginning of December many of my omni and vegetarian friends were upset about climate change (because of a video of a polar bear that was doing the rounds). I posted on my Facebook letting them know that one of the best things they could do to help stop climate change is to reduce the amount of meat and dairy they consume. Animal agriculture is one of the biggest causes of deforestation, and one of the biggest producers of greenhouse gases.

veganuary 2018 veganuary 2018

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Sweet Stocking Fillers

Treat Suggestions

If you’re anything like me when you’re doing your Christmas presents it’s never just one gift per person. I usually do a main gift, then throw in what I call sweet stocking fillers; little extras, usually sweets (candy) and chocolate. If you’re not a vegan and you’re buying for a friend who is vegan, it it can be a little overwhelming. You find yourself searching specifically for items marketed as vegan. This is a wonderful, and your friend will appreciate it but if you’re on a budget it can get a bit expensive. In this post I am going to share some of the main stream items you can find at supermarkets, and discount (pound) shops that I enjoy. There are items you can get but this gives you a good range for cheap, vegan stocking fillers.

**Disclaimer – These sweets are only Vegan in the UK. Many of them are not suitable for vegans if you are buying them in the US.

sweet stocking fillers

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Vegan Police

Vegan Life

We’ve all met them, those self-confessed vegan police types who are constantly berating other vegans for not being as good a vegan as they are. They seem to think they are advancing the cause but in reality they are the ones who end up putting people off who want to try veganism. Their all or nothing attitude is not only unrealistic, it’s confrontational.

vegan police

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Mince Pies

Christmas Food

You might be thinking it’s a bit early for a post about Mince Pies, after all Christmas is still a few months away (seven weeks and 3 days). Now usually I would agree with you, for me Christmas doesn’t start until the 1st December. However, I wanted to get this post out before then because I know lots of people who like to get an early start on these things.

Mince pies

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