Food on the Go

Food Review

Today I wanted to talk about food on the go. We all have those days when we just didn’t have time to go shopping and therefore couldn’t pack our lunch, so we have to resort to buying something on the go. I might end up making this a series. We shall see. As a vegan there aren’t always loads of options. Things are getting better but where you live can have a huge impact on the options available to you. For example, I know people who rave about the new vegan options at Boots (a massive chemist chain here in the UK who also do lunch and snacks). Except the massive (2 floors) Boots in my nearest city sells one vegan sandwich (the sweetcorn fritter one), that’s it. No salad, no vegan sushi, no new sandwiches or deli platters. It can be really disappointing when people talk about these great vegan options, and you can’t access them.

food on the go

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Building Salad

Recipe Post

Okay, so I feel kind of weird calling Building Salad a recipe post but that’s the closest category I could think of. I often share photos of my salad bowls on my Instagram account, and have been asked a few times, what is in them, so I decided to show you how I build my salads.

Building salad

Building Salad

The first thing to remember with salad is that to make sure you are getting all your nutrients you need to make a rainbow on your plate. No, I don’t mean literally, I just mean you need to include a good variety of coloured vegetables. I like to chop them all in different ways to help give the salad some extra texture.

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