Veggie Ribz

Food Review

Two things I loved as an omnivore were ribs and wings, I said things because I no longer think of them as food. However, that doesn’t stop me remembering how much I enjoyed them. So when I saw that Sainsbury’s were selling these Veggie Ribz from Plant Power Foods, and that they were made with tempeh, I got VERY excited.

veggie ribz in packet

Veggie Ribz

I was very excited about trying these but I had to wait a while because they cost £4, and that isn’t always in my budget. Once I had the extra money to spend I knew I had to try them.

I really love tempeh as a food product. I find the texture and taste appealing. It’s not the same as meat but that’s not necessarily something I want. I sometimes crave the comfort of the familiar but the idea of the texture of meat isn’t appealing to me. Tempeh can be quite firm, and almost chewy, and if you cook it right, you can get a nice ‘crust’ on it.

I have to say I was impressed with how chunky the veggie ribz were. They also had a lot of sauce, which I loved. I didn’t follow the cooking instructions exactly (because when do I ever). I brushed some sauce over them at the start of the baking time, then brushed some more on 10 minutes before the end. I made sure to turn them a few times, and I cooked them for about 10 minutes longer than it said as well.

I decided to serve it with cheesy mash, garlicky greens, and extra veg mac’n’cheese. I warmed up the extra sauce left in the tray and poured it over the veggie ribz when I served them. I cooked the whole packet but I only used half, and I saved half for the next day. Even reheated in the microwave they were really good.

I loved the texture of these, they were firm but delicate, and the sauce had given them a lovely crust. The flavour was very nice too, sweet and smokey with a little heat but not too spicy.


I really liked these. I’m not completely sure they’re really worth the price. They’re definitely a treat item but I would buy them again if I wanted a special meal. If they were half the price I would buy them a lot more often though.


You can read more of my reviews here:

One thought on “Veggie Ribz

  1. Pingback: Veggie Ribz - Cheryl Kaye

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