Veggie Ribz

Food Review

Two things I loved as an omnivore were ribs and wings, I said things because I no longer think of them as food. However, that doesn’t stop me remembering how much I enjoyed them. So when I saw that Sainsbury’s were selling these Veggie Ribz from Plant Power Foods, and that they were made with tempeh, I got VERY excited.

veggie ribz in packet
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Yo Sushi

Restaurant Review

Today I’m reviewing Yo Sushi. I have always loved sushi before I was vegan I would have a mix of sashimi and sushi but now I just skip the raw fish. Now, I could make it at home (and sometimes do) but I’m going to be honest it’s just not the same.

Yo Sushi logo
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Earth Conscious Natural Deodorant

Product Review

When I’m looking for new products it is important to me that I find products that aren’t just vegan but also as natural as possible, and that have a lower environmental impact. I really wanted to find a good vegan friendly natural deodorant that actually worked, that came in sustainable packaging, and was not ridiculously expensive. Enter Earth Conscious.

green earth with recycling arrows

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Food on the Go

Food Review

Today I wanted to talk about food on the go. We all have those days when we just didn’t have time to go shopping and therefore couldn’t pack our lunch, so we have to resort to buying something on the go. I might end up making this a series. We shall see. As a vegan there aren’t always loads of options. Things are getting better but where you live can have a huge impact on the options available to you. For example, I know people who rave about the new vegan options at Boots (a massive chemist chain here in the UK who also do lunch and snacks). Except the massive (2 floors) Boots in my nearest city sells one vegan sandwich (the sweetcorn fritter one), that’s it. No salad, no vegan sushi, no new sandwiches or deli platters. It can be really disappointing when people talk about these great vegan options, and you can’t access them.

food on the go

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Biggest Vegan BBQ


I live in Birmingham (UK), a city whose vegan scene is growing fast. Yesterday I went down to millennium Point to take part in the Fry‘s attempt to break the World Record for the Biggest Vegan BBQ, the #BVQ. When I found out about the event the forecast was for warm sunny days, and it was half term for many schools in Birmingham. So of course what actually happened was rain.

biggest vegan BBQ

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Veganuary 2018

Vegan Life

You may or may not be aware of Veganuary 2018 but I want to take some time today to talk about it. At the beginning of December many of my omni and vegetarian friends were upset about climate change (because of a video of a polar bear that was doing the rounds). I posted on my Facebook letting them know that one of the best things they could do to help stop climate change is to reduce the amount of meat and dairy they consume. Animal agriculture is one of the biggest causes of deforestation, and one of the biggest producers of greenhouse gases.

veganuary 2018 veganuary 2018

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